Wed Dec 1, 2010 / 6:30pm - Hungarian House
Credit: MyStClair - Our Neighbourhood, Online
A Date with the Future
St Clair Technology Summit
When: Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 6:30pm
Where: Hungarian Canadian Cultural Centre (HCCC)
Location: 840 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, ON M6C 1C1
The Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) on St Clair are firmly positioned to be technology leaders. The foundation is in place. The next step is to take full advantage of the technology already available and to learn about what is just around the corner.
To that end, NaberNet, the parent company of MyStClair.com and the developer of the innovative Bridgelin software platform is holding a technology summit which will:
- demonstrate what is possible now
- outline what the future holds
An open discussion will be a key aspect of this important event.
The following are asked to attend:
- BIA Chairs
- BIA Coordinators
- BIA Board Members with an interest in Internet technology
- Anyone the BIA feels should be involved in this event
In addition, interested member businesses and community members are more than welcome.
Please Note: This is NOT a technical seminar. Lack of familiarity with computers and the Internet should NOT be reason to stay away - in fact that is the best reason to attend.
This is for business people who want to see how they can use the most important technological advance in modern times to increase business for their BIAs and their member businesses.
The event is scheduled for Wed Dec 1 6:30 pm at the Hungarian House on St Clair W just east of Winona.
If you are unable to attend please ensure there is at least one person from your BIA attending.
This is one date you don't want to miss.
Associated To: NaberNet Inc.