Friday, November 18, 2005

Workshop: Introduction to Self-Publishing

Enterprise Toronto: Women’s Seminar Series: Intro to Self-Publishing

The Enterprise Toronto
runs a series of seminars for businessmen and the people just considering opening their own businesses.

On November, 15th 2005 in the City Hall passed a seminar, devoted to opportunities of the independent publishing of a book by the author. Manisha Solomon, Book Publishing Project Coordinator Solotext Editorial, carried out this workshop.

The presented information was very deep and covered the advantages and disadvantages of the self-publishing methodology. All stages of this process from actually writing a book to its sale were described in details.

At the seminar were discussed questions of the copyright, choice of a publishing house, an editor, a graphic designer, opportunities of marketing, ways of promotion of the book on the market and its sales. Manisha had not remained without attention to the potential mistakes, difficulties and threats on a tough journey of a new author.

The gathered audience was not so small, and consisted of people of different ages and from different communities of Toronto interested in self-publishing. It is pleasant to note, that among potential authors and publishers were three Russian-speaking but English-listening representatives.

It was not the last seminar offered to new self-publishing authors and businessmen. It is possible to get acquainted with the program of following seminars on the Enterprise Toronto and the Solotext sites.

On the photos: Noticeable interest of listeners.

Самиздат в Массы

Организация по развитию делового предпринимательства в Торонто “Enterprise Toronto” проводит серию семинаров для предпринимателей и людей, еще только задумывающихся о своем бизнесе.

15 ноября в Сити Холле проходил семинар, посвященный возможностям самостоятельной публикации книги автором. Семинар вела Маниша Соломон (Manisha Solomon) – координатор издательства Солотекст.

Представленная информация была очень конкретной и освещала вопросы достоинств и недостатков самопубликации (self-publishing), подробно рассматривались стадии этого процесса – от собственно написания самой книги до ее продажи.

Обсуждались вопросы авторского права, выбора издательства, редактора, графического дизайна, возможностей маркетинга, способов продвижения книги на рынок и ее продажи. Не остались без внимания и возможные ошибки, трудности и опасности на пути начинающего автора.

Собравшаяся аудитория была не очень велика, но состояла из заинтересованных людей разных возрастов и из разных общин Торонто. Приятно отметить, что среди потенциальных авторов и издателей было трое русскоговорящих, но англо-слушающих представителей.
Это не последний семинар, предлагаемый начинающим авторам и бизнесменам. С программой следующих семинаров можно познакомиться на приведенных сайтах.

Заинтересованность слушателей видна и на фотографиях.

Photo: Liudmila Cherniak
Copyright © 2005 Liudmila Cherniak


Description: Designed for those who aspire to be a self-published author, this workshop will give an introductory look into the process. This workshop will enable the self-publishing author to be an informed consumer while they maintain creative, financial, and editorial rights of their work while receiving innovative and resourceful solutions.

We will cover: Self-Publishing: How to promote your business, Alternatives to the traditional publishing methods, Who you need to find to help you and why, Establishing yourself as an expert and more. - by Manisha Solomon

Date:15 November 2005
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Registration Fee: NO FEE
Event Venue: Toronto City Hall
2nd Floor, Committee Room 2
Address: 100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON Canada
Contact: Enterprise Toronto

Contact Number: 416-395-7416
Contact Email Address:
Web Address:
Event Type(s): - Seminar
Event Category(s): - Starting Specific Business Guides
- Business Writing Communications
Book Producing Services for Self-Publishing Authors

Brought to you by the self-publishing experts at Solotext Editorial.
905.704.4490 / 866.777.7455

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