From Einstein’s photon to Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment:
wave particle duality brought to light, by Professor Alain Aspect
Credit: Institute for Optical Sciences, University of Toronto
wave particle duality brought to light, by Professor Alain Aspect
Credit: Institute for Optical Sciences, University of Toronto
The Royal Canadian Institute(RCI) for the Advancement of Science in partnership with the Institute for Optical Sciences, University of Toronto presents:
Boris P. Stoicheff Lecture 2009
From Einstein’s photon to Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment:
wave-particle duality brought to light
Professor Alain Aspect
Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, France
When: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 3:00 PM
Where: J. J. R Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building
Location: University of Toronto, 1 King's College Circle
Parking: on campus, pay/display; limited disabled parking available.
TTC: Nearest Subway is Queen’s Park Station
Public Lecture - All are welcome
Free admission and refreshments
Is light a wave or a particle? After many centuries of debate, involving giants as Newton, Hughyens, Young, Fresnel, Maxwell, Einstein, the final answer of quantum mechanics is: “light is both a wave and a particle”.Credit: The Institute for Optical Sciences (IOS) University of Toronto, is a new initiative at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts & Science.
Wave-particle duality is at the root of the quantum revolution initiated at the beginning of the 20th century, but explaining it is a difficult challenge. Most textbooks on quantum physics start with a description of an “experiment” to demonstrate it - an experiment that was not actually realized with photons before 1985. An even more fascinating version of that “thought experiment” – the “delayed-choice experiment” proposed by J.A. Wheeler - has recently been turned into a real experiment as well. We will present that experiment, which, in the words of Richard Feynman, stresses one of the big "quantum mysteries."

A holographic art object which Michael Page (OCAD) demonstrated at the CASCON [2008]
2008 @ Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: Alain Aspect : Shedding new light on light and atoms
"Settling a 70-year-old dispute between Bohr and Einstein and breaking through a supposedly "insurmountable" barrier to absolute zero are some of the numerous achievements of Alain Aspect, recipient of the 2005 CNRS Gold Medal."
by Matthieu Ravaud Alain Aspect PhD thesis
Alain Aspect "Three experimental tests of Bell inequalities by the measurement of polarization correlations between photons"
Ph. D thesis defended in Orsay (France) on Feb 1st, 1983.
The Third World: David Phillips' Mission to Teach Science to the World
Holiday Season Stoicheff Lecture 2006: A Little Light Relief: Science of Photo Medicine
Canada: Hspace Inc.: Hspace Holographic Services, Products and Creative Environments
holography @ ning: A Global Coterie of Holography Enthusiasts
holography @ ning: Michael Page's Page
OCAD: Canada's "university of the imagination": Researcher Michael Page developing holographic scanner technology
The Butler Institute of American Art: Mary Harman: Object and Illusion: Holograms and Constructions
This Mary Harman exhibition features reflection holograms of every day objects. These mixed media compositions play with our perception of what is real, what is illusion. Born Mary Cleemput in rural Northwest Ohio in 1944, this artist immigrated to Canada in 1969. She has lived in Toronto, Newfoundland, Vancouver and now resides in Quebec where she maintains a studio just above the Vermont border.
Location: Beecher Center
524 Wick Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44502 USA
Sep 13, 2009 Through Jan 31, 2010 The Universe as a hologram
Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm? В чет ошибся Алан Аспект? О попытке экспериментального доказательства существования фотона.
Л. Регельсон, 2009 г.
[ What Alain Aspect was mistaken in? About his attempt of an experimental proof of the photon's existence, by Lev Regelson. September 2009] Jefferson Lab: Signal Travels Farther and Faster Than Light
By Malcolm W. Browne, July 22, 1997