Monday, June 15, 2009

Toronto Innovation Forum June 16, 2009 Program "Opportunity, Creativity and Partnership"

Toronto Innovation Forum 2009 Program: Opportunity, Creativity and Partnership
Screenshot: Toronto Innovation Forum June 16, 2009 Program "Opportunity, Creativity and Partnership"

Event Schedule

8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

Registration, Coffee and Innovation Showcase

9:00 – 9:15 a.m.
Welcome Address – Councillor Mike Feldman (Council Chamber)

9:15 – 10:00 a.m.
Opening Keynote: Attracting Investment (Council Chamber)
Daniel Mothersill
President and Founding Member, National Angel Capital Organization
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ryerson University
Director, Angel Network Program, Government of Ontario
A serial entrepreneur and Angel investor, Daniel has years of hands-on experience in industries ranging from telecommunications and green technologies to natural resources and IT. In the last decade, he has founded and financed several companies and spun off three of them as profitable enterprises. In his keynote speech, Daniel will teach you know-how in making a financing presentation based on the model that has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs in raising more than $2 billion in seed and start-up funding.

10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Expert Panel: Commercialization Pathway (Council Chamber)
Academic, financial and consulting experts will explore the innovation commercialization process. This interactive discussion will address opportunity recognition, investment attraction, go-to-market strategies and professional support services.

Walter Derzko, Smart Economy; Author of "Hard Times, Golden Opportunities"
Scott Tanner, President, DVS Sciences Inc.; Chair, Ontario Chapter, Manning Innovation Awards
Jacoline Loewen, Managing Partner, Loewen & Partners Corporate Services Inc.
Oleg Amurjuev, Business Advisor and Coach, AOCS Business Consulting
Panel Moderator: Deepak Bajaj, Director, Industry Innovation, Seneca College

11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Break: Innovation Showcase and Networking
Please take this opportunity to visit the Innovation Showcase and meet experts from government agencies, investment organizations and leading service Providers.

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Entrepreneur Panel: Meet the Innovators (Council Chamber)
A panel of entrepreneurs who have successfully commercialized their innovations will tell their stories and share valuable experiences. You will gain practical tips, hear about best practices and learn what it takes to become an innovation leader. Don’t miss this session!

Angella Hughes, President and CEO, Xogen Technologies Inc.
Stephen C. Wong, President and CEO, ESM Groups Inc.
Dmitri Nissanov, President, Antibex Software Inc.
Cameron Piron, Founder and President, Sentinelle Medical Inc.
Panel Moderator: Ed Hobbs, General Manager, Toronto Business Development Centre

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Lunch Break: Innovation Showcase and Networking

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Expert Panel: Innovation, Government Services and You (Council Chamber)
Representatives from a range of organizations will tell you about government programs and resources that innovators need to know about.

John Tasopoulos, Account Manager, Business Development Bank of Canada
Dumitru Olariu, Business Development Officer, Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Neil Wight, Business Information Officer, Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre
Yvonne Gruenthaler, Deputy Director, Investment and Innovation, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Angelo Del Duca, Director, Ontario Region, Industrial Research Assistance Program
Jose E. Costa, Manager, Business Development, Ontario Centres of Excellence
Panel Moderator: Sam Boonstra, Director, Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Breakout Workshops (Committee Room 1 to 5)
Choose from the following workshops delivered by industry leaders:

• Best Practices in Venture Creation (Room 1)
Veronika Litinski, Practice Lead, Healthcare and Life Sciences, MaRS
An overview of what makes your business valuable to investors and how to develop a viable business strategy.

• Intellectual Property Protection (Room 2)
James W. Carson, Lawyer, Blaney McMurtry
As a lawyer and a registered trade mark and patent agent, James will provide
you insider’s view on new development in Intellectual property protection.

• Government Programs for Innovators (Room 3)
Veronica Gareau, Regional Business Officer, Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre
This session is your best source for government programs and services to support Canadian innovation and business.

• Attracting Angel Investors (Room 4)
Scott MacCannell, President of York Angel
Rob Koturbash, Managing Director of Maple Leaf Angels
Bryan Watson, Executive Director of the National Angel Capital Organization
The panel will share with you their most valuable insights on attracting angel investors by straight talking. Prepare your question well and get direct answer.

• Creating Ideas to Creating Wealth (Room 5)
David Burton, Founder of Centre for Creative Thinking; Author of "Creating Ideas to Creating Wealth"
As a veteran speaker, professional writer and ratio host, David will introduce his newest product at the Innovation Forum 2009 on creating ideas to creating wealth.

3:30 – 4:15 p.m.
Facilitated Networking Session (Members’ Lounge)
Bring your business cards, interact with your peers and meet other entrepreneurs, potential clients and partners. Get high quality business leads and contacts by just being there! You will also have the opportunity to win valuable draw prizes.
Facilitator: Wendy Woods, Principal, Watershed Training Solutions

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Innovation Showcase (Members’ Lounge)

Dozens of innovations will be on display by inventors from Toronto and beyond. This is also the marketplace for innovators, investors and entrepreneurs to meet and network.

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